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Property tree

See how you can filter based on ALL properties in the project. Also saving them to Groups!

Alicja Wycisk avatar
Written by Alicja Wycisk
Updated over 3 months ago

Get an overview of all attributes in your projects. Use them to

  • Filter, with colors

  • Add favorite attribute sets

  • Create Groups

    • Through the property tree widget, you can generate groups automatically using all the available values in your Property list. This feature significantly expedites the creation of desired GROUPS, with objects automatically color-coded, and empowers you to establish necessary views in your Bookmarks, relieving you from the burden of manual group creation.

Video Transcript


Using the property tree, you can get an overview of all the attributes that you have in your entire model set.


You can see they're all listed alphabetically. And what you can then do with these attribute sets is choose one.


I'm going to do, for example, IFC class. And then you can actually filter on those items, and it will start to color them in the model.


We go, we filter everything based on color throughout the entire model. What is also a bit cool is that I can add this as a favorite if I want to.


I'm going to show you how that looks, and I can also save it to groups. So, I'm just going to make this a bit smaller so you can see how that would look.


Now we have groups open. I can save this to groups, and you will now see that we have the IFC class saved to groups as well, which you may be using for filtering.


Okay, so I save this as a favorite as well. If you scroll all the way to the top, you can see that you have a general and a favorite section.


So now IFC is actually in the favorites section, so you can have your favorite properties stored at all times.

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