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New UX overview

The latest Novorender update introduces a refreshed user experience (UX) with new tools, organized buttons, and improved workflows.In this artciel we provide a quick overview of the key updates

Written by Rafael Hegre Cabeza
Updated this week

1. New Left-Side Tools

  • Measurements:

    • Users can access different measurement tools directly.

    • Click measure to measure automatically. Clicking the info icon opens a widget for detailed measurement tools.

    • Includes point-line measurements with the ability to cancel measurements directly in the view.

    • Area to do an area measurement

    • Laser, with x, y and z measurement

    • Manhole, used for manholes

  • Clipping Plane:

    • Add a fast clipping plane to isolate sections of the model.

    • Access additional tools like cross-section directly from the widget for a seamless workflow.

  • Cross-Section View:

    • Clicking cross-section automatically switches to a 2D view, allowing users to create and manipulate cross-sections.

    • Cross-sections can be dragged along a line, and the view updates dynamically.

  • Terrain Visualization:

    • Users can turn terrain layers on or off, provided they have been uploaded (e.g., orthophotos or VMS).

  • Render types

    • Mesh, terrain, Point clouds, lines, PDF can also be toggled for enhanced clarity.

  • Favorites for Widgets:

    • Widgets can now be saved as favorites for quick access.

    • Adding a widget to favorites allows users to reopen it automatically without navigating through menus.

2. Updated Bottom Bar

The bottom bar retains previous features but organizes them more logically:

  • Home Camera: Returns to the default view.

  • Speed Controls: Adjust scroll and navigation speed.

  • Camera Controls: Step backward or forward, or fly to a selected object.

  • 2D Button: Switches to an orthographic overview and back to 3D.

  • Share link: Copy a link to the current view and share it.

  • Clear All: Removes all tools like clipping, measurements etc without affecting the camera position.

3. Improved Organization of Widgets

  • Tools are now grouped for a natural flow:

    • Clipping Tools: Clipping planes and cross-sections.

    • Files & Attributes: All related sections in one place.

    • Integrations: Unified under one tab for convenience.

    • and more...

4. Top Bar Features

  • Coordinates Display (X, Y, Z or long, lat, alt): Displays values based on cursor hover.

  • My Location: Centers the view based on the user’s current location

  • Navigation Queue: A visual indicator always pointing north with a pink arrow.

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