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Advanced settings

Detailed overview of everything in Advanced Settings

Alicja Wycisk avatar
Written by Alicja Wycisk
Updated over 3 months ago

Video transcript

0:00 To change the advanced settings in your project, you have to be, an administrator of some sort, so that you've been added to being able to edit stuff in the project.

0:09 You can see your, role in the user, to see if you actually have access. So, you access advanced settings by clicking settings, and advanced settings.

0:20 In advanced settings, you can do a lot of stuff. You can change the environment, so that you can have a different web background, for example. 0:28 If you want to have, these clouds removed, you can do so by clicking like, for example, blurring the project, and you would then keep the, the, colors of the background.

0:39 You can decide if you want to render terrain as background, meaning that you can see now that the ortho photo goes above the 3D, because the 3D is really underneath trim which is where you can have it above.

0:52 can decide if you want to pick semi-transparent objects, meaning that if I turn that off, and I click something, and everything else is semi-transparent, I cannot actually do anything anymore.

1:05 If I'm able to pick semi-transparent, I can actually pick it when I'm in this mode. home view will always be like this.

1:13 If you want to change the view, you can zoom out, and you can save the default camera position. Position here.

1:22 See if I move now, this will be the default camera position of your project. So features allow you to enter or enable the navigation queue.

1:32 We don't have to do that anymore because we have it here now. but you can turn it on as a default.

1:37 In the project, you can also select what kind of widgets you would like to have available in the project. They will be listed here and they will be populated here.

1:45 So you can see that other has 2D in my location. If I then turn that off, and you can see that other field is being removed Because it's being taken away from the project.

1:57 The primary menu is not that important. So the context menu is basically what you will show, when you right click something.

2:07 You as an administrator can choose if you want to remove any of these possibilities in the project. times, NoRender is going to have some beta features not ready yet, so you can, activate them on your own, risk, at your own risk, they will change based on availability.

2:24 Okay, it's on the board project, you can set, the, the project, the TMZone, and you can then get a link to projects where you set it.

2:34 selection would allow you to, imagine you pick something. And you also want the of that object to be picked as well, then you type in the property that will be across the parent and the child, and it will be highlighted based on the colors that you choose.

2:53 settings, you can test them out. We propose you do not touch them. Camera is a bit interesting though, if you have a very large project, you can see that you sometimes need to clip a bit more to actually get everything in the project available, so sometimes you need to, move this to actually get what

3:11 you want to have. Same for 2D. The movement speed is basically this camera speed, you can change the default, and it will then, add it to the slow and the fast as well. 3:23 You can also, enable and disable proportional movement speed, meaning that when you close, scroll close to an object, it will scroll down.

3:32 You can turn that off if you want to. by default, the left mouse takes you around like this, and the right mouse orbits around like this, but you can change, we have some different settings here.

3:44 this is also some tuning. It's a 2D related setting, so if you go into the 2D view, it's basically how it works when you move around and use two-finger-on-touch devices and so forth.

3:58 Always pointing towards north when you press the 2D and so forth. You can test it out. these are basically whether you should show or not

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