1. Set up the integration to Novorender in Gemini Connected
Log in to https://connected.geminisuite.com/
Navigate to "Project Administration" (Prosjektadministrasjon), find "Integrations"
In the visualization tab, you should see "NovorenderViewer – Novorender AS." Click "Create New Link" (Opprett ny kobling). You'll be redirected to Novorender Projects to choose a project.
Click 'OK'
Log into Novorender and choose the desired project from Novorender's project list where the files should be uploaded:
2. Create Export Rules
In the export rules menu, you will find different tabs for various file types. "Road/Tunnel (SFI)" (Veg/Tunnel), "Application Layers" (Applag) and 'External' (Ekstern) are the most relevant for Novorender.
Road/Tunnel (SFI)
These export rules enagle batch-import centerlines or/and road models to Novorender for "Follow Path". In the "Road/Tunnel (SFI)" (Veg/Tunnel) tab, click "New Export Rule for Road/Tunnel (SFI)" (Ny eksportregel for veg/tunnel (SFI))
Domain Field (Domene) : Here, you decide which folder the data will be exported to in Novorender. In the example shown in the screenshot, a new folder named "Gemini_NRP_eksport_test" is automatically created. To import data to an existing folder in Novorender project, enter the file path for the desired folder.
Rule Name Field (Navn på regel): It is advisable to name the rule something you can easily find later in Gemini's dialog box (sorted alphabetically).
Model Type Field (Type modell): Choose "Road" (Veg) as the model type.
Layer Type Field (Type lag): Check your SFI models in Gemini and ensure they match.
Leave the fields for "Layer" (Lag) and "Surface Selection" (Flateutvalg) empty. This ensures Gemini only exports the centerline, which is mandatory. However, you can export the desired road layers as well.
Data in Application Layers (Applag)
These export rules are used to export points, lines, surfaces, triangle meshes, and point clouds (including las./laz. export) to Novorender.
Select the "Application Layers" (Applag) tab in the export rules menu.
Set up the folder location in the "Domain" (Domene) field and name the rule (Navn på regel).
3. Export Data from Gemini Terrain
Road/Tunnel (SFI)
Centerlines can be batch-exported. Select the relevant VIPS models, right-click, and choose "Export -> Gemini Connected…"
In the dialog box, check "Visualization Tool" and select the export rule you created for "Road/Tunnel (SFI)." You can override details in the export rule using the "Override" button.
Click "Export."
The files you exported should immediately appear in the Novorender Projects folder.
Application Layers (Applag)
The same method applies for exporting data from the application layers.